Fright Fest (Friday) - Wyntr, Motherland, Alley Beers + More at the Dom

Fright Fest (Friday) - Wyntr, Motherland, Alley Beers + More at the Dom

Welcome to Fright Fest! A two day festival celebrating the spookiest month with 6 bands playing each night hosted at Dominion Tavern Friday October 18th for Rock & Punk night and Cafe Dekcuf October 19th for heavier styled night featuring:

Friday October 18 at Dominion

Wyntr (Ottawa, Hard Rock)
Motherland (Ottawa, Indie Rock)
Alley Beers (Ottawa, Punk)
Lazy Bratz (Ottawa, Punk Rock)
Steve & The Stabwounds (Ottawa, Punk Rock)
In Between The Masses (Ottawa, Grungy/Psychedelic Rock)